Latest Bulletins

Mass Intentions

Sun. 23rd 10am 1st Anniv. Jean Leonard & June McCoole & Maureen & Peter McQuaid (Badoney) & Dermot & Dympna McLaughlin
Mon. 24th 10am
Tues. 25th NO MASS
Wed. 26th 10am
Thurs. 27th NO MASS
Fri. 28th 7.30pm Paddy, Ellen & Eamon Muldoon Sarah Muldoon, Polfore & Charlie, Joe, Michael & Seamus Donaghey
Sat. 29th 7pm 1st Anniv. Tommy McManus
Sun. 30th 10am Elizabeth Garry

Dates for Sacraments 2025.
Sacrament of Confirmation: Sunday 11th May at 3pm.

First Holy Communion: Saturday 24th May at 11am.

Eucharistic Ministers March:


Fiona Dillon
Philomena Kelly 
Siobhan Colton 
Liam McLaughlin
 Freda McDonnell 
Adrian McCann
Cormac McQuaid
Brian McCarron
Mark Colton
Ruairi Teague


Readers March:

Martin Curran
Matt McNulty


NO MASS Tuesday, Thursday, Friday & Saturday morning

Important Notice:

From 1st May 2023 Masses in Dromore will be as follows:
Mon. 10am: Wed. 10am: Fri. 7.30pm: Sat. 7pm: Sun. 10am

The Friday 7.30pm Mass and the Sunday 10am Mass will be Multiple Intention Masses
Saturday 7pm Mass is for Months Mind and 1st Anniversary

For the time being Parishioners are asked to observe the following:

  • for booking Masses please go to the Sacristy after any Mass.
    (those living outside the Parish please get friends to do this for
  • To arrange a Baptism please phone Fr. Dolan on 028 8289 8771
  • For all other queries phone 028 8289 8641 Tuesday and Friday 11am – 1pm
  • Emergency sick calls to Fr. Dolan 028 8289 8641/07789796862

Man available to do grave or garden grass cutting in Dromore or neighbouring area Contact : Aloysius 07494 959587

Cleaning of the Chapel Wednesday 26th March at 7pm. All Welcome.

Parish Envelopes

will soon be distributed. We are very grateful to those who support the Parish in any way and continue to do so. There are others who may be new to the Parish or who would like to begin such support by taking a box of envelopes or by Standing order or by PayPal. If willing to start doing so please contact CATHY on 077390 95428. We are trying to accommodate the different ways people now carry less cash and have indeed been asked about cards which we will look into too.

Twenty Four Hours

For The Lord: As part of the 150th Anniversary Year of St Michael’s Church, the practice introduced by Pope Francis of having “24 Hours For The Lord” will take place there. It will start at 7pm on Friday evening, 28 March and conclude on the Saturday evening with Mass at 6pm. All are welcome to come and join the prayers at this time.
More details will be supplied on the website at

Dromore GFC

in association with Dromore Health and Well-being and Dromore Ladies are organising an Addiction Awareness Evening on Friday 28th March @ 8pm in The Sports Complex. Guest speakers are Philly McMahon (former Dublin player, All Ireland and All Star winner) and Conn Kilpatrick( All Ireland winner and current Tyrone Senior Player). This is an important free event for all Over 15s. Please support this valuable talk.

Lough Derg Bishop Larry

Invites the people of the diocese to join him at Lough Derg for the first One Day Retreat of the 2025 Pilgrimage Season in this Jubilee Year on Sunday 4th May 2025. Boats available from 9.15am. Retreat programme begins 10.20am. Booking essential €50 *concessions available for groups. Book online:
Parish and Pastoral Area Groups contact:

Cappagh Padre Pio Prayer Group Pilgrimage 2025.

10th – 17th of September visiting the shrines of Assisi, Saint Padre Pio in San Giovanni Rotondo and Saint Micheal’s cave. Cost £1,135 pps; Accompanied by a spiritual director. For more information, please contact Maire, 07799112224 or Clare, 07778025587.

Stephen Garry Memorial Variety Concert

To be held in St Patrick’s Hall Dromore on 26th April. Performances begin @7.30 pm. Come along to enjoy music and craic from local artists. Tickets now available from Mc Carneys Trillick and Montauges Dromore.
All proceeds in aid of Ward 50 North West Cancer Centre and Rapid Response Omagh. For further details on how to donate contact Catriona. 07731524578. Mary Garry 02889561812

The Ark Community Baby and Toddler group

runs every Friday morning 10am – 12 noon at the Holy Trinity Church Hall Dromore – for all babies and toddlers (0-4 years of age) and their carers. £1.50 per child or £3 per family – includes snack for children and adults. For more information, please contact Aimee McKenna on 07756 437563. No pre booking required so just turn up.

Tróciare Boxes: are now available in the church porches. Please take one.

Diocese of Clogher Pilgrimage to Lourdes

Clogher Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes: 4th-9th July 2025 Will be led by the Bishop of Clogher, Most Reverend Lawrence Duffy. The theme of pilgrimages to Lourdes this Jubilee Year is: “With Mary, Pilgrims of Hope”. The 5-day Clogher Diocesan Pilgrimage incorporates a daily programme and will include Mass at the Grotto, Celebration of the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick, the Torchlight Procession, Blessed Sacrament Procession and the International Mass, along with other devotions. The cost is from €1,050 per person sharing. This includes direct flights from Belfast or Derry and excellent hotels near the Grotto. To book Tel. John Hueston, 028 677 24329 or email

The Novena of Hope at the Graan:
Saturday 22nd March (6.30pm) to Monday 31st March 2025.
Sunday services 9am, 10:30am, 12 noon and 4pm.
Mon, Tue Thurs 12:30pm and 7.30pm.
Wednesday 26th Mass at 11am and 7.30pm, Service for the sick at 2.30pm.
Saturday 29th Mass 11am and 6.30pm with Service for the Sick at 2.30pm.
For more information contact: The Graan 028 66 322272.

Lough Derg

Fr. La and the Lough Derg Team look forward to welcoming pilgrims during this Jubilee Year. All the dates for the 2025 Pilgrimage Season have been added to the system.

The Tuesday Club

for the Over 65’s organized by Dromore and Trillick surgery continues on a Tuesday 10.30-12.30 in Dromore Sports Complex. New faces, men and women are welcome any Tuesday to enjoy light exercise and informative talks over a cup of tea with good company and craic.

Pilgrimage to Fatima

7 Nights F/B Avenida Hotel 28th May/4th June 2025 also Also 30th July/ 6th August. Spiritual Director Fr Antony CP. Full religious programme. Convenient flight times, direct from Belfast. £849pps For further details contact Joe Catney 07776425631.

Dromore Sports Complex- January Programme 2025

Tuesday 25th March Children’s Classes Mini Soccer- 5pm-6pm- (6-9yrs)- £3.50.
Gymnastics – Week 6 – final week- Tuesday 25th March 4pm-4.55pm- P1-P3
5pm-6pm-P3+ (St. Johns Main Hall)

Wednesday 26th March Adult Classes:
Staying Active Club- Wednesday Morning’s @10.30am – £3.50 per session
Pilates Class: (7pm-8pm) £6 per Session
Children’s Classes- This week’s Fundamentals: 6pm-6.45pm-£3.50 per session (Aged 3-5yrs) Great class for developing agility, balance, confidence and co-ordination skills.

Sports Hall available for Indoor Football or Badminton, Contact the Complex on 02882 898 618 for times available.
Fitness Suite offer – Gym Cards £30 for 10 Sessions
Birthday Party bookings available -Friday (4pm-6pm) or Saturday 12pm-2pm/ 2pm-4pm, contact the Complex for availability.

Irish Pilgrimage Trust

Easter 2025 Pilgrimage: Applications are invited from young people with additional social, emotional, physical and learning needs aged 11-30 who are interested in travelling as guests to Lourdes with the Irish Pilgrimage Trust. Applications are also sought for carers aged 18+ who would be interested in accompanying guests on the trip. The trip is free for guests as volunteers complete fundraising and carers pay their own fare. For more information, visit or contact Siân at +44(0)7960211352 or Róisin at +353(0)863380328.


Young Adult Jubilee Pilgrimage to Rome 26 July – 5 August 2025: A limited number of places available for a 10-day pilgrimage to Rome for the Jubilee Year, open to young adults (18-30) a full pilgrimage programme including events with Pope Francis. Join over 1.5 million young people from across the world who are expected during these days to come together to celebrate their faith. More details at or email

Be Alert

There continues to be fraudulent scams and alerts via telephone calls, emails, etc. Please continue to be aware and cautious of any unexpected activity or communication to you and to your vulnerable family members.


Please return Pyx for Holy Communion if not in use as we have none now left to give to people.